

Yes. It has been SUPER DUPER long hasn't it.
Hello Blogger. I've missed my and your blogging days together. Where I'll spill every type of rant and thoughts imaginable.
I've missed it. :D But I've figured that I haven't really discussed this topic with anyone so.....
DAMNNN. How do I put this? Hmmmm......
Ok. To put it to simpler words, I want a partner. And I like girls and guys but I really want a guy partner. And when I mean partner, I mean a friend.......with a better relationship thingy.
GAH! I don't even know. TT.TT
There's this event that I have went to and my mind cannot stop projecting images of couples (*ehem*me*and*whoever*ehem*) just being there, as professional as possible. Smiling and holding hands in secret. Whispering sweet nothings and trying to hold back uncontrollable laughter.
And I like how my mind doesn't give me a PERFECT COUPLE. Where the girl is this hot, hispter, Megan Foxx and the guy is like a .......tall, uhhh.....kpop star. :D Yeah. I imagined myself, the fat, ugly, retarded me with another fat, ugly, retarded him. Though I didn't think he was fat, ugly neither nor retarded. He was normal.
*sighs* *weird smile*
One thing though is that he's SMART. YEAH~~~ :D
That's what I like. And the way he corrects me if I'm factually uncorrect or just plain......ngehhhh.
Am I in love with an imaginary person? It's said to be scientifically proven that our minds cannot imagine an unseen face. Who is this mysterious Romeo? AND WHY ARE YOU TURNING ME INTO THIS?!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! FUCK YOU MANN!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!

And did I tell you that 'he' also 9 gags. WTFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU

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