
I don't like you.

I don't. If we weren't best friends I would have hate your guts and swear upon God my fists will be on you face.

In fact, I do want to plant my knuckles deep in your perfect little face. I have a grudge against you made by my own selfish emotion. Jealousy. It seems that I cannot control that emotion. Exercise for instance. Do you know what makes me run 10 rounds non stop you. Because of my jealousy. And after I'm done, I get very frustrated because of how tired and get and start imagining how you would be all fit and happy. I hate it.

Stupid blogs. All I need is advice for me to stop thinking about my jealousy and think about friendship and all they say is "GET OUT AND GET SOME FRESH AIR." or "GO AND TALK TO YOUR FRIEND." or even "GO AND SPEAK TO YOUR SCHOOL COUNSELOR OR PARENT OR WHATEVER". The bullshit I get.

I love her..to death. Even the imagination of me just thinking about her leave for 3 days because of something important, sickens me. I love her. But at the same time, I strongly dislike her.

I don't like the things she does. Like how she seems to know EVERYTHING.

I just don't like you. I'm sorry. Gosh. My fists are waiting for you. At the same time, I need my fists to cuddle around you too.

Me emotions.

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