

No seriously...not to say that my blog is awesome and all. (which i HONESTLY THINK IS NOT!! well....except for the design which i think is still no match for most blogs) (THINK WHAT EVER YOU WANT I'M TELLING THE TRUTH AND AND AND!!!! UGHWLEIURBGGSIUB.)
sorry bout't that....just blrtbwibg IT'S SOCIETYYY. You say something which is 'humble' people think you're fishing for comments, you say something that you think should be praise-worthy, people think you're bitch. I don't blame them......it's takes a very hard time to figure out whether they are true or not.
You know I've been visiting *ahem*stalking*ahem*lurking*ahem*trolling*ahem** .....................
back to the point.
I've been 'visiting' lots of blogs....my friend recommended me some and I explored from there. I HAVE NOTICED THAT SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY PEOPLE INTRODUCE THEMSELVES AS

Hi. :D Just another ordinary girl/boy here.

I thought I was used to it then...when I started noticing how ALL of the blogs have that (except for the pro ones...they are great) I started to get a lil' itchy......the annoyed itchy....
What REALLY annoyed me is that......*braces self*......................
My 'about me' also have that same thing going on....The, 

Hi, I;m ordinary, I'm normal, FOLLOW ME! FOLLOW! Because I'm ordinary....who is boring and awesome and the same time......

It pisses me off. It pisses I off....It also pisses myself off....

Lol...this is just from a reader's point of view....what I'm trying to say is that.....quit being the stereotypical bloggers, starting their 'about me' with HI I'M JUST AN ORDINARY blah blah blah........I almost did that and i still think that my 'about me' thing has that thing going on...you get what i mean..... 

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